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WellMind Counselling
3 min read
Why Do We Need to Address Body Shaming and Embrace Health at Every Size?
Body shaming tells us that we aren't enough and is often disguised as an attempt to help others be "healthy". Let's unpack that!
Cécile Tucker
2 min read
Trauma, Resilience and the Brain
When a developing brain experiences trauma, it changes how the brain responds. Thankfully, the brain is resilient and can overcome this!
WellMind Counselling
4 min read
Parts Work Therapy: What it is and why you may want to try it
Parts work, often known by a particular type called IFS, is a modality of therapy often used to treat childhood and attachment-based trauma.
WellMind Counselling
3 min read
Why Healing Childhood Trauma Needs a Different Approach
Childhood trauma requires a different treatment approach than other forms of trauma; find out why!
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